Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

“I am beautiful,” she said amongst the danger of hurtful words from her peers.  For many years they had persecuted her for her many imperfections.  They said she lacked any kind of beauty on the inside and out.  She knew that she was beautiful, so she returned to her home to find that inner beauty.

Nobody was home.  She gathered a few bottles of alcohol and a pair of scissors and retreated to the bathroom.  She plugged the bathtub drain and poured each bottle of alcohol into the tub.  After removing all of her clothes, she walked over to the bathroom mirror with the pair of scissors and began touching each inch of her body with the pointed end of the blades.  She watched the scissors dent her body, marking where she would cut.  She knew that beauty was held within, so she angled the blades and started cutting into her skin.  Blood dripped from her limbs, her chest, and her stomach down to the floor.  Her inner beauty, obscured from society, was finally flowing out, she thought.

A smile was needed to showcase her true beauty before she bled out.  She took the scissors and started cutting into the corners of her lips so that a bloody looking smile would come to life.  A wicked smile graced her face for the first time since she had seen life through the eyes of a child.

Afterwards, she stepped into the tub of alcohol and laid down to let the liquid seep into the cuts of her body.  The vicious burn caused her to let out a violent scream that ripped an even bigger smile into her face.  Within minutes from bleeding out and toxic exposure, she fell into a permanent sleep with her beauty circulating about the tub.

Sleeping Beauty.

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